I’m trying to help you, you daft fancy tree-rat! Tenley Tych (who probably refers to rats as ground-squirrels).
Tag: novels
Is there anything about The Little Queen you would change now?
Yes. Lots. That’s the short answer, but a longer one will follow. So in terms of publication, I kind of got over excited when I was nearing the end of writing and rushed it out. It turns out it wasn’t …
Is there anything about The Little Queen you would change now? Read more »
Jen Air: Asterion – Stop Believing
Only a few days left to use that Smashwords coupon now (’ND72U’, in case you’ve forgotten, gets you 100% off until May 31st). In the meantime, another extract from the sequel being worked on. Kaya has stolen money, gotten drunk, …
Jen Air: Asterion – Killer Aqua Babies
Another short extract from the novel I’m currently working on, in which Kay and Sayuri discuss very important matters. Usual disclaimer that it’s an early draft and so correction and changes likely will be made. Also, there is a swear …
Review: Haze, by Brandon J. Barnard
So I was asked to review this book, and typically when I’m asked to do something like that I go into them really expecting much, thinking I’ll just have to pick out a few nice things to comment on and …
Word Counts
So, today I managed to write 10,000 words, and I’ve decided that’s worthy of some sort of celebration. I might post more background fluff for what I’m writing, then maybe dig up Poser and create more models for some of …