Jen Air: Asterion – Killer Aqua Babies

Another short extract from the novel I’m currently working on, in which Kay and Sayuri discuss very important matters.  Usual disclaimer that it’s an early draft and so correction and changes likely will be made.  Also, there is a swear in this, and it is the f-word so either look forward to it or cover your eyes now and back away slowly from the screen.

Also, don’t forget you can get 100% off The Little Queen from Smashwords until May 31st using the following code:

The Mill in Irongate had been
converted into the town’s premier dance and music venue.  Actually pretty much the only dance and music
venue other than a few rooms above bars and pubs.  The Mill also had a bar, elevated on one side
of the large hall.  The whole interior of
course had a metallic colour scheme of steely greys and chrome with the largest
splash of other colours being in those cans and bottle held in the glass
refrigerators behind the bar.  And Kaya’s
hair in front of it.

“If,” Sayuri started to ask
ponderously.  Her hand movement and tone
indicated this would be a very important question, although Kaya waited to hear
it before she judged.  “If they made a
movie about your life and you could have any actor, alive or dead – I mean they
could probably do that with computers now, couldn’t they? – so if you could
have any actor play you, who would it be?”

Kaya deemed it was a totally
unimportant question and shrugged, “never thought about it.”

“I think I should be played by
Audrey Hepburn,” Sayuri said confidently.
This elicited some confused squinting and squeezing from Kay who just
couldn’t quite see it.

“Er… you know she was British,
right?” The blue haired punk pointed out.

“I know.  But our eyes and nose are still kind of
similar I think.”

“Well you both have them, but… I
don’t know.  Anyway, isn’t that kind of
white washing?”

“Not like I’m ever going to watch
the film.  I’ve lived my life; I don’t
need to see it.  Long as there’s a cheque
and royalties involved I really don’t care that much.”

“You sure are dedicated to your

“Yup,” Sayuri affirmed taking a
sip from her glass.  “But come on, you
must have some idea of who would play you?”

“Actually,” Kaya thought, “I
think I’d like my life story to be told as an animated musical.”

“Why?  Because you’re a two dimensional character?”

“Fuck you,” the blue punk
responded with a gentle punch to her friend’s arm.

Behind the bar, the tender Amara
was polishing and wiping things, generally trying to look like she was busy
even though she really had nothing to do.
Other than Kay and Sayuri there really weren’t a lot of customers around
at this time of day.  “Hey,” the dark
woman in a white blouse suddenly snapped at and glared disapprovingly at the
two of them.  “You bitches watch your mouths
in here or I’ll slap ‘em shut, you hear?”

Kaya’s neck shrunk into her
collar as she sheepishly smiled.  “Sorry,”
she uttered.  She didn’t know Amara very
well, but she seemed okay, if a bit sensitive sometimes.

Sayuri had a little flash of
thought on her face.  “Hey Am,” she said,
“you used to sing, right?  You ever
thought about joining a band?”  She and
Kaya had been in a group until recently parting ways with their lead singer and
bassist, Candace and Ashley, and were now on the lookout for new members to
replace them.  Mainly so they could kick
Candy’s ass at local gigs.

But Amara just gave the drummer a
bemused smile.  “I sang gospel in my
mother’s church,” she explained.  “I ain’t
no ‘Killer Aqua Baby’, or whatever it is you call yourselves.”

“Bunnies,” Sayuri corrected.

“You know,” Kaya started to
encourage as well, “Freddie Mercury sang opera.
You could be great in a band.”

“Sorry girls,” the bartender
shook her wavy black hair, “but I got too much work and studying to do.  You’re going to have look elsewhere for
someone to do all that screeching and hollering and whining.”

The drummer didn’t seem ready to
give up, continuing to make some sort of pitch to the bartender.  But Kaya felt a vibration coming from her
phone.  Fishing it out of her jacket, she
then exhaled sharply as she saw who was calling.  ‘Mom’ the text said… she wouldn’t disturb
whatever Kaya was doing unless it was urgent.

“Sorry guys,” the punk said as got up from her
stool, “I… I’ve gotta go wash up.”

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