brynwrites: Can we use episodic plot structures for single novels? The answer to this is a really solid: yes and no. It’s certainly possible to get away with multiple contained story arcs within a single novel. The Long Way to …

Is it alright to follow the “Shonen Mold” Which has the main character(s) go through several small villains/obstacles before getting to the big one at the climax, in a story? I know manga/anime and books are different mediums but is is possible to have more than one Story Arc in a book like in Anime/Manga? Read more »

pondwitch: ndiecity: The sun is probably the closest thing we’ll ever have to a true Eldritch Abomination. Hear me out here- Older than recorded history; was here longer than any of us and will be here long after we leave. …

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