I’ve been falling a bit behind on these.  This is Star Trek’s fiftieth year, so I need to get in as much Trek as I can before it’s out (and there are well over a hundred episodes of TNG still …

Star Trek – The Next Generation: 2×07 Unnatural Selection Read more »

Memory Alpha Data-Grave’s eulogy in this episode is one of the things I’ve always remembered from this show since I was young: “I can safely say, that to know him, was to love him. And to love him, was to …

Star Trek – The Next Generation: 2×06 – The Schizoid Man Read more »

Memory Alpha I liked this episode.  There were a few little things I found cheesy and wish were elaborated on more, but overall I thought it was decent.  The Enterprise has to transport Riva, who is we’re told a very …

Star Trek – The Next Generation: 2×05 – Loud As A Whisper Read more »

Memory Alpha This episode is just… it was hard to get through.  So the Enterprise helps this Captain Okona, who is obviously meant to be a sort of puckish rogue straght out of an Errol Flynn movie.  And sure enough, …

Star Trek – The Next Generation: 2×04 – The Outrageous Okona Read more »

Memory Alpha See, The Doctor in Doctor Who can easily travel through time and visit BBC costume drama sets whenever he wants.  Although time travel has been used quite often in Star Trek, it’s a little harder for them than …

Star Trek – The Next Generation: 2×03 – Elementary, Dear Data Read more »