Jen Air – Nearly Done!

Well, the first draft is nearly finished.  I’ve already got a list of things I want to change or add, including of course changes to bits that I already posted on here, so that’s what I’ll be mainly doing this week,

I actually wasn’t sure until I got to last chapter how the heroes were going to triumph, but then it came to me.

I’m going to have to come up with some sort of blurb, I suppose.  That will probably be the hardest thing.  I mean it’s a pretty straightforward story in terms of structure, with themes about relationships with parents and lost innocence, as well as some sci-fi technobabble and some elements of fantasy.  Turning fantasy into reality I suppose is the central idea.  This isn’t the blurb, this is just me thinking out loud.  I’ll try to come up with something, or maybe a few and see what people think.

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