Springheel on Smashwords

My story ‘Springheel’ is now available to download at Smashwords in all popular e-reader formats.  A little bit revised and edited, but now completely free (I don’t think you can choose to make things free on Amazon, but eventually they’ll price match I expect).  Anyway, it’s a novelette that takes place after The Little Queen,
so if you want to read that first remember you can purchase it from
as well and use the following code to get 100% off (valid until May


Description of Springheel:

After defeating the ELF Queen, Titania, Jennifer Airhart still lives
in her lighthouse on top of a hill. But she no longer lives there alone,
having invited her old friend and rocker Kaya Cade to stay with her.
They have also become guardians of another, much younger girl, who
although she tests them is secretly grateful to have a family. For a
while all seems well, but that’s usually when they start getting worse.

In the nearby town of Irongate, a new threat has appeared on the
streets, terrorising families and especially children. Already people
are likening this creature to the Victorian boogeyman who began a reign
of fear in London’s churchyards and alleys almost two centuries ago,
Spring-Heeled Jack. Our heroines are called upon to put a stop to his
mischief before more are seriously harmed by him.

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