

I’m uploading the current draft of my WIP, The Little Queen, to a password protected Tumblr for anyone to have a preview. Just ask or send a message and I’ll send a link and password.  At the moment the prologue and most of chapter one is up – I decided to swap a couple scenes around but have to edit one of them a little. Once I have the rest and the next few chapters will go up shortly after. I’ll keep you posted on this blog.

When I started this project, I guess what I wanted to write was a kind of buddy/odd couple adventure story. I decided to make the characters women because just because most of the stories in that genre involve men. Over time I had to add a couple more characters out of necessity, but also started out as a straightforward romp has started to develop more complex themes of childhood, family, parenthood and successors. There’s one character who would have been a real force in the world were she not crippled by social anxiety, another trying to make up for terrible things she’s done in the past, another struggling with anger and conflicting emotions that make her more angry.

It is still an adventure though. Think classic Scooby Doo or old Doctor Who stories set on earth. Or Fringe or X-Files – that sort of thing (I think – I’ve not really watched Fringe).

Warning for violence and some scenes of child abuse. Maybe the odd swear if you’re sensitive to that – the odd s%!t or b!*£h.

There’ll be a proper beta-reading round where I’ll send out documents probably once I’ve finished this draft. But anyone who would like to get in early and see how it’s progressing can do so. I would have posted more today but I found some photos of my dog who died a few years ago so I’m just going to go and cry about that for a little while instead.

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